Dispute Resolution Center of Montgomery County, Inc.
Mediation Service
M- F, 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Driving Directions:
From I-45, turn East onto 105.
Turn Right onto North Thompson St.
We are located on the first floor of the Keeshan Building.
Additional parking available in the parking garage behind the building.
About Us
The Dispute Resolution Center of Montgomery County, Inc. (DRC-MC) is a non-profit, volunteer organization which provides mediation and conflict resolution training to residents, businesses, agencies and the courts. There is a paid staff of 6 and over 50 volunteers, each of whom has had a minimum of 64 classroom hours of training plus six supervised co-mediations prior to handling DRC cases. The DRC-MC was started by a committee of the Montgomery County Bar Association in conjunction with commissioner's court in 1988 and mediated its first case in 1989. It is funded partly by fees imposed on filing certain civil suits in district and County Courts at Law, partly by user fees, partly by contributions and grants, and partly by contractually defined in-kind services provided by the county. The DRC-MC's main office is located in the red brick building across the street from the Montgomery County Courthouse. Mediations are held there, as well.
Rep/Contact Info
Stephanie Marquart
Manager of Volunteer Engagement and Development
(936) 760-6914, Ext. 4
Send an Email

Mediation Service
M- F, 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Driving Directions:
From I-45, turn East onto 105.
Turn Right onto North Thompson St.
We are located on the first floor of the Keeshan Building.
Additional parking available in the parking garage behind the building.
About Us
The Dispute Resolution Center of Montgomery County, Inc. (DRC-MC) is a non-profit, volunteer organization which provides mediation and conflict resolution training to residents, businesses, agencies and the courts. There is a paid staff of 6 and over 50 volunteers, each of whom has had a minimum of 64 classroom hours of training plus six supervised co-mediations prior to handling DRC cases. The DRC-MC was started by a committee of the Montgomery County Bar Association in conjunction with commissioner's court in 1988 and mediated its first case in 1989. It is funded partly by fees imposed on filing certain civil suits in district and County Courts at Law, partly by user fees, partly by contributions and grants, and partly by contractually defined in-kind services provided by the county. The DRC-MC's main office is located in the red brick building across the street from the Montgomery County Courthouse. Mediations are held there, as well.

Rep/Contact Info
Stephanie Marquart
Manager of Volunteer Engagement and Development
- Phone: (936) 760-6914, Ext. 4
- Send an Email