
New York Life Insurance Company

New York Life Insurance Company

Insurance Agents

About Us

I am passionate about helping people to get things right what they cannot afford to get wrong. Everyone who is breathing needs life insurance to protect the people that they love. Insurance is an act of love, you get life insurance to make sure that in the event of any unforeseen circumstances your spouse and children will have the ability to continue life without worrying about how the mortgage will be paid, how the kids will continue to have a good life, how they will go to college and so much more. I have seen to often people creating a Go Fund Me Account to help family and friends pay for a funeral. With a life insurance policy, that will not be an issue.

We do not like to think about something bad happening to our loved ones. Life Insurance is for the ''WHAT IF''. What if something bad really happens you want to be certain that you have taken the steps to financially secure your family. ''What IF you did? I also provide, Long Term Care, ''WHAT IF'' you get hurt really bad and you are unable to work for a long time, all of your savings will be depleted quickly with the high cost of medical bills. I provide Mortgage Protection. ''What IF''. God forbids you have an untimely death, your mortgage will be paid off and your family will not have to worry about how to make those payments.

I provide Income Protection, ''WHAT IF''. you are unable to work due to whatever it might be, you will receive an income. I provide children's policies, ''WHAT IF'' your child have a policy from an infant or early age, they will be financially sound by the time they graduate high school and will have funds available to them to start their life and they will not have to be insurable ever, since they already have a policy.

I provide Employee Solutions, 'WHAT IF''. Your employer do not provide any coverages, I can help your employer with an affordable solution to cover you, your family and your co-workers, we cover everything, medical, dental etc, we also provide Employee Whole Life that are voluntary for you and your family, that is portable and have cash value.

There are so much more that I offer. Please see me for that peace of mind, for those ''WHAT IF'' moments. Insurance is a labor of love, and it is much cheaper that people think. God Bless You and let us have a conversation.

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Mrs. Suzanne Deborah Leechong
Insurance Agent