Authentic Brain Solutions
Hospitals & Clinics
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday from 9 am to 5:30 pm
Driving Directions:
From downtown Montgomery head east on Highway 105. We are located in Waterpoint Center on Lake Conroe in the executive suites. Entrance to the right of Spuds. We are on the second floor.
About Us
Release, Heal, and Transform Your Life - Authentic Brain Solutions is a counseling center that bridges brain to behavior using modern, neurocounseling techniques tapping into your brains ability to h

Hospitals & Clinics
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday from 9 am to 5:30 pm
Driving Directions:
From downtown Montgomery head east on Highway 105. We are located in Waterpoint Center on Lake Conroe in the executive suites. Entrance to the right of Spuds. We are on the second floor.
About Us
Release, Heal, and Transform Your Life - Authentic Brain Solutions is a counseling center that bridges brain to behavior using modern, neurocounseling techniques tapping into your brains ability to h